What is 5th Dimension Potential?
‘To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.’
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Our VIsion
“I believe the transformative powers of servant leadership, humility, and charity can shape and change individual and organizational thoughts, actions, behaviors, and character. I believe in developing principled leaders creating productive cultures and positive climates to generate high performance individuals, teams, and organizations. I believe in facilitating and enabling change in others to realize what is possible—their full potential.”
-Tyler “Mitch” Mitchell
Founder of 5th Dimension Potential
Established in 2019
5th Dimension Potential, LLC, is a Veteran owned and operated consulting and mentorship business that serves a variety of clients from homemakers and salespersons, to small business owners and medical professionals.
Our Core Values
- Charity and Gratitude
- Servant Leadership and Humility
Candid Communication and Feedback
- Interpersonal Touch